Bee News to Use

Kylie Sabra
Fall: Remove, Protect & Store - Summer Leaf Bees

Fall: Remove, Protect & Store - Summer Leaf Bees

When temperatures cool to 60°F/15°C, Summer Leaf bees will have completed nesting for the season. Summer Leaf bees hibernate as delicate larvae inside their leafy cocoons over the fall and winter. So, to protect them from pests, you'll want to remove, protect, and store the nesting materials to keep the hibernating bee larvae safe from parasitic wasps, ants, birds, and other predators. IMPORTANT: Summer Leaf bees cannot be stored in the refrigerator like mason bees. Make sure to read Protect and Store below to learn what to do with your Summer Leaf bees at the end of the season. Remove Summer Leaf bees have usually...

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Kylie Sabra

The ABCs of Raising Bees

A -🐝- Cs of Raising Bees Solitary cavity-nesting bees have no need to defend hives or honey, which makes them gentle enough to hold them in the palm of your hand! And, they are are easy to raise. Just set out a bee house with nesting holes that can be opened (like natural reeds), and the bees will find them. Female spring Mason bees will build a nest, collect pollen and nectar, then lay eggs; all within six weeks in spring. The eggs laid this year will become next year's adult bees. Summer Leaf bees are active from May through September. Super...

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